68 Words and 21 Days

Today is Valentine’s Day, a day when everyone’s collective thoughts seem to suddenly turn towards romance and expressions of our love for those around us.    Unfortunately for far too many it seems that going out of your way to demonstrate your love and commitment to your spouse has become relegated to days such as today or perhaps a birthday or anniversary day.   That’s too bad.   

What if I told you that just 68 words were standing between you and a transformed marriage with your partner?  

Imagine what might happen if both you and your spouse made a deliberate and connected effort to build and strengthen your marriage for as little as the next 21 days?   Would it help if I told you that it would only take a minute or two a day?   

Enter the Marriage Prayer Challenge.

Both you and your partner commit to daily praying your respective version of the Marriage Prayer and working to mean it.  My wife and I started the prayer for ourselves prior to the start of the New Year and I can attest that it works.   We’ve past 21 days but I plan to continue to pray it every day. I love the prayer and it’s results so much I shared it with my men’s Bible study group at church a few weeks ago and some of the guys who have started praying it also report the positive effect it is having in their marriages. 

Why? Because prayer changes things and I firmly believe that God answers prayers.   I think we all can agree that marriages in our country today need prayer and that it begins with each one of us, you and me.

“God gives us marriage for mutual support and encouragement.  It’s meant to be a safe harbor of love and respect.  But if we don’t feel secure in our marriage, we’ll spend all of our time worrying about that and none of our time growing and developing into the person God wants us to be.”    The Marriage Prayer Book

To begin the 21 Day Challenge print off the Marriage Prayer Card and put it in a place where both you and your spouse will each see it and pray it every day.  Mine is on my mirror as I am getting dressed every morning so I see it and take time to pray it.  Don’t just pray the words; focus on how you can demonstrate each of the 68 words to your spouse each and every day.   You will be surprised at the little ways that pop up for you in your daily routine.

I challenge you to find out for yourself.  Give God 21 days for your marriage and see what happens. What might God do if you really committed to pray for your spouse every day?  What might God do if every married person in your church made a deliberate and dedicated comment to pray for their spouse every day? 

I dare you to take the challenge and find out.   In fact I double dirt dog dare you to take it.

“Life is short, and you love your wife, so enjoy being with her. This is what you are supposed to do as you struggle through life on this earth.”                  Ecclesiastes 9:9 (Contemporary English Version)

About meicemen

Kind of ironic isn't it that you have to fit a few words about yourself into a small box..... I am so many things - a husband and father, an avid sports fan, coach, church planter in training. My blog A Million Points of Grace touches on many of these things that "make up me" and my Christian journey on this earth.
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2 Responses to 68 Words and 21 Days

  1. Kirdan says:

    I’ve never heard of the marriage challenge before but I like it and am going to try it out for myself. Once again thank you for giving me something to think about and try in my own life to grow and walk closer in my faith. I would encourage everyone to try this as well and see what it does for them.

    • meicemen says:

      Thank you for your comments, very happy to know that you found the information useful and are willing to try it out. Feel free to drop me a follow up line and let me know how it goes, I’ll be praying for you!

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